Grantee profile

Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN)

Legally registered in 2011 in Tirana, the Albanian Women’s Empowerment Network (AWEN) was initially established as an initiative of eight women-led groups to strengthen their cooperation, amplify the impact of joint initiatives, and fortify the feminist movement in Albania. AWEN currently brings together ten women’s rights organisations (as full members) located in 8 districts and 15 additional organisations as associate members. The Network covers Albania from north to south, where two thirds of Albanians live. AWEN achieves its goals through joint advocacy, cross-movement partnerships, monitoring of legislation, research and capacity building of its members, including on grant management and organisational development. Additionally, AWEN has established partnerships with more than 20 civil society organisations working on women’s rights issues across Albania.

The Network’s full members are: Gender Alliance for Development Centre, Tirana; Association of Women and Girls with Social Problems, Durres; Me, the Woman, Pogradec; Agritra Vision, Peshkopi; Woman to Woman, Shkodra; Woman’s Forum, Elbasan; The Psycho – Social Centre “Vatra”, Vlora; Jona Association, Saranda; Counseling Line for Girls and Women, Tirana; and Center for Civic and Legal Initiatives, Tirana.