- 30 Birds Foundation
- Gifts
- Afghanistan
- Afghanistan

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Human rights defenders are increasingly at risk in many countries of the world. Even some formally democratic countries have introduced laws restricting foreign funding and other measures aimed at undermining the role of civil society. In many countries, there is a new level of uncertainty, and often underlying threats of violence or arrest. Some of our grantees, working in difficult environments, have asked us not to publicise their work for security reasons.
Use the filters to find grantees in a certain programme or geographical area, or browse the table below for information on all grantees listed.
Current grantees
Past grantees
Current & past grantees
- Grantee name
- Programme
- Working in
- Located in
- 32° East – Ugandan Arts Trust
- Open Societies
- Uganda
- Uganda
- Academy of St Martin in the Fields
- Programme
- Gifts
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in International, United Kingdom
- Located in
- United Kingdom
- Gifts
- International, United Kingdom
- United Kingdom
- ACCEPT Association
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Romania
- Romania
- Adil Soz
- Open Societies
- Kazakhstan
- Kazakhstan
- Adilet
- Programme
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Kyrgyzstan
- Located in
- Kyrgyzstan
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Kyrgyzstan
- Kyrgyzstan
- Africa Criminal Justice Reform
- Programme
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Multiple countries
- Located in
- South Africa
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Multiple countries
- South Africa
- African Legal Information Institute
- Programme
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Multiple countries
- Located in
- South Africa
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Multiple countries
- South Africa
- Albanian Helsinki Committee
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Albania
- Albania
- Ambulante
- Open Societies
- Mexico
- Mexico
- Anadolu Kultur
- Open Societies
- Turkey
- Turkey
- Anti-Violence Network of Georgia
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Georgia
- Georgia
- APPG on Extraordinary Rendition
- Programme
- Trustees Small Grants
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in United Kingdom
- Located in
- United Kingdom
- Trustees Small Grants
- United Kingdom
- United Kingdom
- Ara Art
- Open Societies
- Czech Republic
- Czech Republic
- Arab Fund for Arts and Culture (AFAC)
- Programme
- Open Societies
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Working in many countries around the world
- Located in
- Switzerland
- Open Societies
- Working in many countries around the world
- Switzerland
- Arab Media Lab
- Open Societies
- Morocco
- Morocco
- Arab Reporters for Investigative Journalism (ARIJ)
- Programme
- Open Societies
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Working in many countries around the world
- Located in
- Jordan
- Open Societies
- Working in many countries around the world
- Jordan
- Ariadne
- Programme
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in United Kingdom
- Located in
- United Kingdom
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- United Kingdom
- United Kingdom
- Arnika – Toxics and Waste Programme
- Programme
- Environment
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Working in many countries around the world
- Located in
- Czech Republic
- Environment
- Working in many countries around the world
- Czech Republic
- Ashkal Alwan
- Open Societies
- Lebanon
- Lebanon
- Association BIOM
- Environment
- Croatia
- Croatia
- Association of Journalists of Macedonia (AJM)
- Open Societies
- North Macedonia
- North Macedonia
- Associazione 21 Luglio
- Open Societies
- Italy
- Italy
- Asylum Protection Center
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Serbia
- Serbia
- Atlatszo
- Open Societies
- Hungary
- Hungary
- Autonomous Women’s Center
- Open Societies
- Serbia
- Serbia
- Bahrain Institute for Rights and Democracy
- Programme
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Bahrain
- Located in
- United Kingdom
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Bahrain
- United Kingdom
- Bard College – Anthony Lester Fellowships
- Gifts
- United States
- United States
- Bellingcat
- Programme
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Status
- Current grantee
- Working in Working in many countries around the world
- Located in
- Netherlands
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Working in many countries around the world
- Netherlands
- Bilitis Resource Centre Foundation (Bilitis)
- Human Rights and Rule of Law
- Bulgaria
- Bulgaria
- Bir Duino Human Rights Movement
- Open Societies
- Kyrgyzstan
- Kyrgyzstan