Grantee profile

Corporate Europe Observatory

Founded in 1997, Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) is a research and campaign group working to expose and challenge the access and influence of corporations, outside states and other lobby groups in EU policy making. Its strategies include investigating and exposing the tactics, financial power, privileged access and connections of corporate lobby actors, bringing to light revolving door scandals, promoting transparency, promoting stricter EU lobby regulations and building coalitions to push for EU policies that favour the public interest over narrow corporate interests.

The Trust funded CEO between 2005 and 2013 under its Social Justice programme (totalling £650,000) and in the Transparency and Accountability programme in 2018 (totalling £36,500). This recommendation is under the Toxics and Pollution strand of the Environment programme to support the organisation’s ongoing work to expose undue influence of the agricultural and industrial chemicals industries at the EU and challenge the backsliding on the European Green Deal.