Grantee profile
English for Action (EfA)
Founded in 2006, English for Action (EfA) provides English as Second Language classes to migrants living across seven London boroughs. The classes are learner-led and respond to the challenges and opportunities facing migrants. Topics covered include English for employment, health and housing. Over the course of 16 years, the charity has engaged more than 3,600 learners, whose native languages include Amharic, Arabic, Bengali/Sylheti, Dari, Pashto, Polish, and Urdu, amongst many others. EfA further empowers its students to take action on issues of social justice, including employment, housing and migrant’s rights through leadership training and capacity building. Additionally, it has run campaigns on issues directly affecting the lives of migrants; these include: Patients not Passports, Promote the Migrant Vote, Lift the Ban, and it has helped to amplify the Living Wage campaign amongst migrant communities.