Grantee profile

Zero Waste Europe/ Toxico Watch Foundation

Founded in 2014, Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) is a network of 35 organisations from 28 European countries, led by a Brussels based secretariat. Together the network aims to achieve a European community built on respect for ecological limits and community rights. It is focussed particularly on promoting responsible systems of consumption and production, reducing waste production and promoting reuse, as well as restricting toxic waste discharges. Its main activities include policy research and advocacy, coalition building and implementing on-the-ground waste management solutions.  

ToxicoWatch Foundation was established in 2011 to contribute to a less toxic and healthier world. Its core activity is research using bio-monitoring and other toxicology methodologies to build the evidence base around how persistent substances of very high concern, such as Dioxins and PFAS make it into the environment and from there impact on the environment and human health.