Medical Justice gain high court backing to review controversial ‘Migrant Removal’ policy

On 14th March, Medical Justice was granted permission for a judicial review of the Removal Notice Window, a removals policy enforced by the Home Office under which migrants are given between 72 hours and seven days’ notice that they face being removed at some point during the next three months, without further warning. The policy is designed in such a way that detainees don’t have the time and opportunity to access legal representation and that results in the Home Office having free rein to deport individuals without effective oversight from the courts – even if that removal is unlawful.

Medical Justice, a charity with volunteer clinicians networked with solicitors, barristers, detention centre visitors and ex-detainees who expose and combat human rights abuses in UK immigration removal centres, campaigned for a suspension of the policy. Mr Justice Walker granted the injunction on all Removal Notice Window proceedings until the policy could be reviewed for its lawfulness. He stated, “…there appears to be grounds for real concern about access to justice…” Such concerns are shared by other civil society organisations, including the Law Society and the Immigration Lawyers’ Practitioners Association who are in full support of the review which will be heard on 19th and 20th June 2019.

Medical Justice is represented by the Public Law Project and Charlotte Kilroy QC.

Read the Medical Justice press release here.

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