Nani Jansen Reventlow, director of Digital Freedom Fund, receives award for dedication to freedom of expression and digital rights

In early February 2021 at the Stefan A. Riesenfeld Symposium, “Global Speech Under Pressure: The Promise and Challenges of Free Expression and Digital Rights” organised by the Berkeley International Journal of Law, Nani Jansen Reventlow, founding director of Trust grantee the Digital Freedom Fund and renowned human rights lawyer specialising in strategic litigation and freedom of expression received the prestigious The Stefan A. Riesenfeld Award. She also delivered the keynote address to symposium attendees.

The award is presented to a legal academic or practitioner that has made an outstanding impact on the development of international law and “demonstrated a commitment to the values and ideas that Professor Riesenfeld espoused and advocated.” Nani received the award for her work on freedom of expression and digital rights. Previous recipients include David D. Caron, Louise Arbour, Louis Henkin, Philip Alston, Charles N. Brower, and Ivan Velasquez Gomez.

Nani is recognised for her standard-setting freedom of expression cases across several national and international jurisdictions. Nani previously oversaw the global litigation practice of Trustee grantee the Media Defence Initiative, “leading or advising on cases in over 50 national jurisdictions and representing clients before the European Court of Human Rights, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the UN Human Rights Committee, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention and several African regional forums.”

She continues to advocate for digital rights, data protection and international law in her roles with the Digital Freedom Fund, Catalysts for Collaboration project and in various other advisory and teaching capacities.

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