Grantee profile

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Founded in 1915,the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF) works on integrating issues of peace, human rights and disarmament at local, national and international levels. WILPF works with a global network of 32 national sections, many in conflict and post-conflict countries. It aligns its work under four interlinked programme areas covering Human Rights; Gender, Peace and Security; Disarmament; and Crisis Response. The Crisis Response programme, which the Trust supports, translates WILPF’s integrated approach to key crisis regions with the overall objective of strengthening women’s capacity and access to engage effectively in transition and peace processes. It does this by supporting, strengthening and bringing women’s experience and a specific gender conflict analysis to influence discussions and decisions, including the relevant international fora such as the human rights mechanisms and the UN Security Council.