Grantee profile
Liberal Jewish Synagogue
Founded in 1911, the Liberal Jewish Synagogue is the oldest and largest of the forty Liberal Jewish communities in the UK, the Republic of Ireland, Holland and Denmark. The congregation strives not only to be inclusive, egalitarian, and welcoming toward its members, it also embraces the task of Tikkun Olam – the Jewish responsibility to “repair the world” by making it a more just and compassionate place. Guided by this value, Synagogue members launched the Asylum Seekers Drop-In in June, 2014. Each month, the Drop-In welcomes approximately 75 families with children under 16 who are applying for asylum in the UK. It offers these families with a warm, welcoming, and respectful space to relax, providing a hot meal, children’s activities, good quality donated clothing and shoes, personal hygiene, and baby-care items. Social work, legal and medical advice is also available on sight, as well as referrals to other services. In addition, the Drop-In supplies families with supermarket vouchers and reimburses their travel costs.