Summary: Mexican organisation GIRE receives award for its work on women’s reproductive rights

SRT grantee Grupo de Información en Reproducción Elegida (GIRE), which is based in Mexico, has received the 2017 Gilberto Bosques Human Rights Award. This prestigious award is presented by the German and French Embassies in Mexico, and celebrates Mexican organisations or individuals that work to promote and defend human rights in the spirit of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

GIRE’s receiving this award is significant because it recognises that women’s reproductive rights are part of the broader human rights field and linked to core issues of freedom and violence. It also highlights the ongoing impunity for violations of women’s human rights in Mexico.

Gilberto Bosques served as the General Consul of Mexico in France from 1939 to 1944. He used his position to help those fleeing the Francoist and Nazi regimes, offering them residence and Mexican nationality. The Gilberto Bosques Award was created in 2013 as a way to celebrate his legacy and commitment to human rights.

Full coverage from GIRE’s website (in Spanish only):

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